Friday, May 22, 2020

Analysis Of Kanye West Is Our Generations Most Polarizing...

Kanye West is our generation’s most polarizing artist, he utilizes the advancements in social media and has a knack for usurping traditional ideology on the largest canvas in the history of civilization. Religious symbolism, racial anxieties and class differences are provocative themes that had faded from the genre of hip-hop, during the 00’s. This is important to note especially in the decade and a half that West has been developing himself as an artist. Katrina killed millions of minorities, Bush left the country in a one of history’s most devastating financial recessions and Obama’s presidency ignited racial tensions on a national and social scale. Throughout the thirteen years between his debut and latest Kanye West has been angry. He has also been insightful and provocative but has mostly been yearning, for a full force return to the themes and ideas that were spread around the evolution of rap a decade beforehand (Gibbons, 2007.) An era when the genre angered the privileged whites of America and added an voice for the impoverished minorities around the country. Kanye West is a product of our time, each year and major event reflective of his work and emotional state. He produced what was needed for pop music at the time, wether we like it or not. Looking at two different eras of his work, Jesus Walks (2004) and Ultralight Beams (2016.) Kanye ranged from varying stylistic choices that were rooted from developments in the genre of hip-hop, some that he pioneered and

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